Iberdrola España renovates the Cabildo substation to improve the quality of electricity supply to more than 6,300 customers in the province of Valladolid
- The development of this project has had an important local component; the assembly and civil works were carried out by Ferrovial Energía’s Valladolid branch office.
- This will reduce maintenance work and, thanks to the new integrated control system -SIPCO-, will mean the installation has greater reliability, meeting advanced quality and environmental criteria.
i-DE, Iberdrola España's distribution company, has completed the renovation project of the Cabildo distribution transformer substation, located in the capital city of Valladolid. This will improve the safety of operating and maintenance personnel and increase the quality of the electricity supply to more than 6,300 customers in the north of the city, La Overuela, Santovenia de Pisuerga, Cabezón de Pisuerga, Cigales and Fuensaldaña.
This project, which has been developed over the last 14 months and has involved an investment of 4.2 million euros, had an important local component given that the assembly and civil work was carried out by the Valladolid branch of Ferrovial Energía, which has contributed to the revitalization of the economy and employment in the province.
The company has carried out the compaction of the 45 kilovolt (kV) – high voltage – and 13.2 kV – medium voltage – systems, reducing the visual impact given that the transformers and cubicles are now located inside prefabricated buildings and the outlets of the medium-voltage lines have been buried underground.
What’s more, Iberdrola España’s distribution company will reduce maintenance work and, thanks to the new integrated control system -SIPCO-, will achieve greater reliability for the installation, meeting advanced quality and environmental criteria.
It should be noted that the project was carried out without any interruption to the usual electricity supply for customers, while work was being done on this electrical infrastructure.
More than 246 substations in the community
In Castilla y León, i-DE manages more than 50,000 km of power lines, has 15,697 transformer stations in service and counts on 246 substations.
In recent years, the company has undertaken an ambitious plan to digitize its electricity networks, converting its more than 1.5 million meters in the region and the infrastructure that supports them into smart meters, incorporating remote management, supervision and automation capabilities. The digitization of the electricity-distribution network will enable more information to implement additional energy efficiency and sustainability measures, in a way that is committed to ambitious and urgent climate action.