
Iberdrola ramps up its investments in electric mobility: It has awarded contracts worth 50 million euros to charging infrastructure installers in Spain

  • The roll-out of these chargers and charge solutions will create 200 jobs with 20 supplier companies in eleven regions

Iberdrola is stepping up investments in electric mobility by awarding contracts worth 50 million euros to 20 small and medium-sized companies in eleven Autonomous Regions for the installation of charge points and charge infrastructures in Spain.

Iberdrola ramps up its investments in electric mobility: It has awarded contracts worth 50 million euros to charging infrastructure installers in Spain .

These contracts will allow the installation of 3,600 charge points for companies and on public roads, with rapid (50 kW), super-rapid (150 kW) and ultra-rapid (350 kW) chargers, which are currently the most powerful on the market. These contracts will create jobs for 200 workers almost all over Spain.

The selected companies are from regions like Madrid (Elecnor, Hemag, Trenasa, MB and CAD&LAN), Castile-La Mancha (Eiffage), Castile and León (Zener Comunicaciones), the Basque Country (EDS Ingeniería y Montajes, UTE Ozasan-Kayros and Electrotecnia del Urumea), Navarre (Electricidad Bat Vol), the Valencia region (Tecnisat and Vicent Ribera Plana), Murcia (Integralia Energía Instalaciones) and Extremadura (Incalexa Engineering), Catalonia (Plasfoc and Electricidad Boquet), Galicia (Celso Núñez and Aceuve) and Andalusia (Sistem Melesur Energía).

Iberdrola is helping to raise the profile of the infrastructure installation industry and charge solutions for electric vehicles, acting as a driving force in the value chain in future sectors and contributing to the recovery of the economy and job market. In line with this strategy, the company also promotes sustainability criteria among its suppliers, because they have all been required to comply with environmental, social and governance standards (ESG).

Iberdrola's Sustainable Mobility Plan

Iberdrola continues its commitment to transport electrification in its transition strategy towards a decarbonised economy, as a key way of reducing emissions and pollution and ensuring the green recovery.

The company is implementing a sustainable mobility plan with an investment of 150 million euros, resulting in a faster roll-out of charge points for electric vehicles over the coming years.

The initiative entails installing around 150,000 charge points in homes, companies and on the public road network in cities, as well as on the main motorways over the coming years. The commitment to deploying high-efficiency charge points will include the company installing ultra-rapid (350 kW) charge points every 200 kilometres, super-rapid points (150 kW) every 100 kilometres, and rapid (50 kW) points every 50 kilometres.

The company has a single public charge app, which verifies the entire public electric charge infrastructure operational in Spain. The information is available in its Public Charge App and so far includes more than 5,000 of its own and third-party electric vehicle chargers on public roads.

To encourage electric mobility, Iberdrola has entered into more than 50 agreements to roll out infrastructure with administrations, institutions, companies, service stations, dealerships and almost all the electric vehicle manufacturers. The company is the market leader in charge solutions for fleet vehicles in companies and for private individuals, as well as single-family homes and community and resident car parks, where Iberdrola customers charge their electric vehicles with 100% green energy from clean generation sources.

Iberdrola is the first Spanish company to sign the EV100 initiative by The Climate Group, with the objective of speeding up the transition to electric vehicles, committed to electrifying the entire fleet of vehicles and streamlining the charge process for staff at its businesses in Spain and the United Kingdom by 2030.
