Iberdrola España, committed to the highest standards of quality
As Iberdrola's subholding company, Iberdrola España shares the culture of improvement in the management of all processes and activities through the highest standards of quality. And it supports its commitment with the quality organisations in the countries where it operates and its joint programme aimed at driving the excellence of its suppliers.

Quality certifications
Independent certifications Iberdrola Energía Sostenible España, S.L.U.
Environmental Certifications
The Iberdrola group's environmental management system, which is considered a benchmark thanks to its basic principles of respect for the environment, is backed by various certificates and verifications based on international standards. Below are the main environmental certifications of our activities at Iberdrola España:
General Environmental Management System in Spain
This certification in (Spanish version) includes the activities defined in the scope of the following companies:
- Iberdrola S.A.
- Iberdrola España, S.A.U.
- Iberdrola Clientes, S.A.U.
- Iberdrola Comercialización de Último Recurso, S.A.U.
- Iberdrola Servicios Energéticos, S.A.U.
- Iberdrola Clientes Portugal, Unipessoal, Lda.
- Iberdrola Clienti Italia , S.R.L.
- Iberdrola Energie France, S.A.S.
- I-DE, Redes Eléctricas Inteligentes, S.A.U
- Iberdrola Renovables Energía, S.A.U