Committed to the Sustainable Development Goals

At Iberdrola España, a company that forms part of the Iberdrola Group, we have integrated the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), approved in September 2015, into our business strategy and into our governance and sustainability system. We demonstrate that it is possible to effectively combine the supply of clean and sustainable energy with socioeconomic development and the conservation of biodiversity.

grupo de personas abrazadas
grupo de personas abrazadas
The 17 SDGs that make up the 2030 Agenda aim to achieve a sustainable future for people and the environment in the medium term. We therefore focus our efforts on affordable and clean energy supply (goal 7) and climate action (goal 13), maintaining environmental balance while contributing to social and economic development. In this way, we promote, through our commitments, both efficient and responsible energy use.

Our initiatives related to the SDGs 

We promote the SDGs through Iberdrola España's activities. Through these goals, which form part of the Iberdrola Group's business strategy, we develop innovative strategies and business models adapted to a world undergoing profound transformation.

Sustainable mobility

Iberdrola España's commitment to sustainable mobility is reflected both in the energy solutions we offer our customers, through our Smart Mobility Plan, and in the development of policies and actions that we apply comprehensively in the company to promote the electrification of the transport sector in Spain.

Sustainability report

Iberdrola España publishes an annual Sustainability Report [PDF], which reflects a comprehensive approach to the Iberdrola Group's economic, environmental, social and corporate governance performance.

The CONVIVE Programme

Iberdrola España's CONVIVE programme is a programme to promote continuous improvements through initiatives and alliances that contribute to ensure the coexistence between renewable energies and their socio-economic development and the conservation of biodiversity.

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