We value your opinion!

We want to hear your opinion and keeping improving our website. We’d like to invite you to tell us about your experience browsing the site using the form below. It’ll only take a few minutes, and it’ll help us to give you with an even better experience on our website. Thank you for your help! 🙂

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How would you rate your experience on the website?
How would you rate your experience on the website? 1 Not at all satisfied; 7 In line with my expectations; and 10 Very satisfied null
Indicate your satisfaction (1–10) with the usefulness of the information on the website.
Indicate your satisfaction (1–10) with the usefulness of the information on the website. 1 Not at all useful; 7 In line with my expectations; and 10 Very useful. null
How do you rate (1–10) the clarity of the information on the website?
How do you rate (1–10) the clarity of the information on the website? 1 Not at all clear; 7 In line with my expectations; and 10 Very clear. null
How do you rate (1–10) how easy it is to browse the website?
How do you rate (1–10) how easy it is to browse the website? 1 Not easy at all; 7 In line with my expectations; and 10 Very easy. null
Please rate (1–10) how easy it was for you to find the information you were looking for on the website.
Please rate (1–10) how easy it was for you to find the information you were looking for on the website. 1 Not at all easy; 7 In line with my expectations; and 10 Very easy. null
Please rate (1–10) the website’s look&feel.
Please rate (1–10) the website’s look&feel. 1 Not at all user-friendly or attractive; 7 In line with my expectations; and 10 Very user-friendly and attractive. null
Finally, how do you think we could improve your experience on the Iberdrola España website?

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