More than 2,000 new connections were made in the first two months of the year.


Our distributor, i-DE, connects 14,000 self-consumption installations in the Region of Murcia

  • The distribution company of the Iberdrola group has organised a training day on the process for the connection of these installations to the grid. 
  • The director of i-DE in the Eastern Region, Ana Lafuente, has highlighted the important role played by the electricity grid as a facilitator of the energy transition. 

i-DE, the distributor of the Iberdrola group, has reached 14,000 self-consumption installations connected to its electricity grid in the Region of Murcia, contributing a total of 165 MW of green generation to the system, fully integrated into the low and medium voltage grids.

The company organised a training session aimed at professionals in the sector, which was attended by more than 275 people and coordinated by Guillermo Raga, i-DE's Area Manager in the Region of Murcia, with the collaboration of the Official Association of Industrial Engineers, the Official Association of Industrial Technical Engineers, the Regional Federation of Metal Entrepreneurs of Murcia (FREMM) and the Murcia Association of Renewable Energies and Energy Saving, AREMUR, as well as the Sustainable Development Foundation.

The opening was led by the Director General of Energy and Industrial and Mining Activity of the Region of Murcia, Horacio Sánchez, who highlighted the support that the regional government has shown for years in "promoting and encouraging actions and measures aimed at energy saving". Horacio also highlighted the importance of self-consumption installations, "as this is an opportunity for citizens, companies and institutions to promote the deployment of renewable energies".

During the closing ceremony, the director of i-DE in the Eastern Region, Ana Lafuente, wanted to highlight the important role of the electricity distribution network as a facilitator of the energy transitionExternal link, opens in new window.  and the volume of self-consumption applications that are being managed in the Region of Murcia, where at the beginning of 2023 "more than 2,000 new installations have been connected, which accentuates the trend already experienced in 2022 with the connection of almost 8,000 installations in the year". 

Lafuente stressed that i-DE's electricity grid in the Region of Murcia has been able to respond to this strong increase in self-consumption "thanks to the investment effort and the digitalisation of our installations carried out in recent years, which have allowed us to have an increasingly robust, flexible and intelligent electricity grid. And we must continue to promote it as it is the real backbone for decarbonisation, which will allow us to continue to improve the quality of supply, service to citizens and make them more involved so that they can be more efficient".

Clean energy for a healthy planet

i-DE is immersed in a process of digitalisationExternal link, opens in new window.  of the electricity distribution grid that will allow more information to implement additional energy efficiency and sustainability measures, in a way that is committed to ambitious and urgent climate action. The deployment of the smart grid makes it possible to respond to new models of grid use and offer a better service to citizens.

In the Region of Murcia, i-DE manages more than 28,000 kilometres of low and medium voltage lines and approximately 1,500 km of high and very high voltage lines. It also has 9,600 transformation centres in service and 69 substations. In recent years, the company has undertaken an ambitious plan to digitalise its electricity grids in the region, where it has converted its more than 900,000 meters and the infrastructure that supports them into smart meters, incorporating remote management, supervision and automation capabilities.
