
Iberdrola España and COAM sign an agreement for the energy renovation of buildings

  • This agreement boosts energy renovation activity in the building sector, electrification of heat and urban regeneration.

Agreement signing

Iberdrola España has signed a collaboration agreement with the Official Association of Architects of Madrid to promote the energy renovation of buildings, which will serve to promote renovation actions, including the electrification of heat, insulation, photovoltaic installationsExternal link, opens in new window.  and management of Next Generation aid. 

Thanks to the agreement, Iberdrola España will offer professional advice to registered architects in Madrid, homeowners' associations and citizens interested in the subsidies, whether they are considering the comprehensive renovation of their buildings, urban regeneration interventions and/or actions that include the decarbonisation of the heating/ACS system, through the installation of aerothermal equipmentExternal link, opens in new window.  and high-efficiency heat pumps.External link, opens in new window. 

For his part, Iberdrola España's Commercial Delegate in Madrid, Antonio Armengot, reiterated that "agreements such as this one are necessary to raise awareness, disseminate information and help citizens to implement actions in their buildings to make them more sustainable. Energy renovation has a positive short-term impact on home comfort and energy savings. The signing of this agreement with the Madrid Association of Architects is a very important step that will help to promote the best initiatives".

During the signing of the agreement, the dean of COAM, Sigfrido Herráez, thanked Iberdrola España for its support: "It is very important that all agents are involved in the Renovation Office, to ensure that our homes and buildings are more efficient and meet the new standards that are being set. In addition, this agreement reinforces the work of the Renovation Office, which facilitates access to Next Generation funds and the financing of these actions".

In addition, with the aim of promoting renovation, Iberdrola España will promote continuous training and access to courses on renovation and energy efficiency for architects who are members of the COAM.

A national agreement 

In order to provide professional coverage for the entire duration of the "wave of renovation" of homes and buildings promoted by the Next Generation funds, the term of the agreement signed between the CSCAE and Iberdrola España will cover one year, with the possibility of renewing the agreement for additional annual periods.

The technical projects that so require will have the support of the Renovation Support Offices, of which the Architects' Association of Madrid is a member. The OAR Network is an initiative of the CSCAE, with the Architects' Associations, created in December 2020 to facilitate the management of energy efficiency aid within the framework of the Next Generation EU External link, opens in new window. funds. With implementation throughout the country, the Renovation Support Offices function as points of reference for Public Administrations, registered architects, homeowners' associations and citizens in general, to provide information, advice and connection with specialised professionals. 

The aim is to ensure that the management and execution of the renovation actions carried out with these funds have the necessary rigour to guarantee the achievement of the aid, its optimisation and, most importantly, the lasting wellbeing of the users.
