
Torre Iberdrola Bilbao today hosted the conference 'Circular Economy in the Basque Country'

Marta Gómez-Palenque, Director of Quality and Environmental Assessment at MITERD; Xabier Ochandiano, Councilor for Economic Development, Commerce and Employment at the Bilbao City Council; Juan Alfaro, Secretary General of the Sustainability Excellence Club; Carmen Durán, Technical Advisor at the General Subdirectorate of Circular Economy; Rafael Orbegozo, Advisor to the President of Iberdrola; and Emilio Tejedor, Head of Environment at Iberdrola.

Marta Gómez-Palenque, Director of Quality and Environmental Assessment at MITERD; Xabier Ochandiano, Councilor for Economic Development, Commerce and Employment at the Bilbao City Council; Juan Alfaro, Secretary General of the Sustainability Excellence Club; Carmen Durán, Technical Advisor at the General Subdirectorate of Circular Economy; Rafael Orbegozo, Advisor to the President of Iberdrola; and Emilio Tejedor, Head of Environment at Iberdrola.

The Ministry for Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge and the Excellence in Sustainability Club have organized this meeting on Circular EconomyExternal link, opens in new window. , which is part of a series of conferences, with the aim of providing information on this strategy, through the exposure of public policies and business practices. For this purpose, they have public institutions at national, regional, local and European level; and on the other hand, large national companies and local SMEs.In this sense, Iberdrola España has promoted the holding of this meeting at the corporate headquarters External link, opens in new window. in the Biscayan capital.

The circular economy today represents a great opportunity for companies and governments, as it offers the possibility of developing an economic model that is less dependent on scarce non-renewable natural resources and thus ensuring long-term sustainability. 

The conference was attended by Xabier Ochandiano, Councilor for Economic Development, Trade and Employment at Bilbao City Council; Juan Alfaro, Secretary General of the Sustainability Excellence Club; Emilio Tejedor, Head of Environment External link, opens in new window. at Iberdrola, and Marta Gómez-Palenque, Director of Quality and Environmental Assessment at MITERD.

 "The management of the circular economy becomes a generator of competitive advantages for the company. The Basque Country has leading companies in circular economy, where large companies, SMEs and start ups have integrated this matter in their business strategy in some cases and in others, it has been the reason for the emergence of new companies. The Law on Waste and Contaminated Soil for a Circular Economy is playing a key role in driving this issue in Spain," said Juan Alfaro, Secretary General of the Club de Excelencia en Sostenibilidad, during his speech.

For his part, Emilio Tejedor, Head of Environment at Iberdrola, explained that "The circular economy is a basic and fundamental pillar for achieving sustainability. And it requires the participation of the entire value chain. It is much more than managing waste and recycling. It involves designing products and services considering the impacts of their manufacture, use and end of life", and added that "The transition to renewable energies and the electrification of the economy represent a giant step towards a circular economy due to the elimination of fossil fuels and the improvement in energy efficiency that this entails". 

The conference was complemented by two round tables with the participation of companies and institutions that promote projects linked to the Circular Economy, such as Redeia, AClima, Habic and Alterity.

El Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y Reto Demográfico y el Club de Excelencia en Sostenibilidad han organizado este encuentro sobre Economía CircularEnlace externo, se abre en ventana nueva.  que forma parte de un ciclo de jornadas, con el objetivo de aportar información sobre esta estrategia, a través de la exposición de políticas públicas y prácticas empresariales. Para ello, cuentan con instituciones públicas a nivel nacional, regional, local y europeo; y por otra parte grandes empresas nacionales y pymes locales. En este sentido, Iberdrola ha impulsado la celebración de este encuentro en la sede corporativaEnlace externo, se abre en ventana nueva.  en la capital vizcaína.
