
Iberdrola España has over 800 biodiversity actions, according to its latest 2024 report

The Iberdrola Group, of which Iberdrola España forms part, has presented its global Biodiversity 2024 Report with the data and projects carried out in each country. This report includes over 1,800 actions carried out in the last 2 years − of which over 800 actions were carried out in Spain. In total, the Company has carried out more than 4,000 in the last 5 years.
Biodiversity in coexistence with renewable energies
La biodiversidad en convivencia con las energías renovables.

The Iberdrola Group, of which Iberdrola España forms part, has presented its global Biodiversity 2024 Report with the data and projects carried out in each country. This report includes over 1,800 actions carried out in the last 2 years − of which over 800 actions were carried out in Spain. In total, the Company has carried out more than 4,000 in the last 5 years.


In the foreword to the report, the Executive Chairman of the Iberdrola Group, Ignacio Galán, refers to three of the pillars on which the Iberdrola Group's commitment reststhe climate action plan, the diversity plan and the circular economy plan.


In addition to the goal of being CO2 neutral in all of the Company's power plants by 2030, there is also the goal of having a net positive impact on biodiversity by the same year. 


Biodiversity is essential for the balance of ecosystems. Therefore, proactively promoting it helps us to ensure environmental stability, resources and the quality of life of future generations.


The launch of the Biodiversity Plan in 2022 marked a Net Positive Impact (NPI) target and has driven numerous actions such as the launch of Carbon2Nature, Iberdrola Group's participation in the United Nations Biodiversity Conferences, and a 30% increase in the number of actions carried out.


In this way, Iberdrola Group is a pioneer in implementing group-wide metrics to measure the net balance of our activities and a pioneer in implementing recommendations for disseminating the management of risks related to nature and biodiversity.


Effective management of biodiversity-related risks by companies is an increasingly important task, not only because of the impact they can have on business management, but also because they can benefit from a competitive advantage in access to markets, capital, and resources. Iberdrola Group is at the forefront of companies in terms of transparency in the reporting of its risks, impacts and actions to improve nature.

Protecting biodiversity and its ecosystems in Spain

In Spain, Iberdrola España participates in projects of interest such as LIFE KANTAURIBAI − a European project whose main objective is to improve the conservation status of species and habitats linked to the river ecosystem. The project operates in 15 Red Natura 2000 sites crossed by rivers and tributaries that flow into the Bay of Biscay in 5 river basins shared by 3 regions (Navarre, Gipuzkoa and Aquitaine).


At the beginning of 2024, Iberdrola España acquired a poplar grove in Huesca that houses what is considered to be the largest stable roost site of the red kite in Spain for its preservation. The area was at imminent risk of disappearing due to the felling of the poplars for timber.


This poplar tree immediately ensured the conservation of over 1,000 specimens of this endangered bird of prey, also known as raptor. The red kite is now assured a place in the wintering areas for its long-term survival.


Iberdrola España, together with EMAT (Environmental and Territorial Studies), began a field study in September 2022, lasting almost a year, on the presence of the Cabrera vole at the Ceclavín photovoltaic plant. This study’s purpose was to characterise the vole’s potential habitat area, its proper restoration and the colonisation of the populations of this species in these habitat patches. 


The work was completed at the end of June with a very positive result. It reveals that the areas with presence of the species have increased notably, going from 4 and 7 located in the previous studies to 17 (out of a total of 19 areas that were marked as potential habitat as they fit the features required by the species).


In Spain, the development of forest ecosystem restoration has already promoted the planting of more than 770,000 trees through Carbon2Nature and over 100,000 through Fundación Iberdrola España.
