
i-DE trains the La Rioja military police how to act in risky situations at electrical installations

  • In coordination with the National Government’s Office in the autonomous community and with the goal of raising awareness in the military police about a risk that is invisible to the untrained eye

i-DE, Iberdrola España's distribution company, and personnel from the company's security and prevention service, in coordination with the National Government’s Office in La Rioja, have given the Spanish military police of that autonomous community a seminar on the risks and prevention measures for any work it may have to do in the event of an emergency, incident or theft in or around electrical installations

Attended by 22 members of the military police, part of the Forensic Police, Investigation Teams and Public Safety Units, the talk explained how to identify an electrical installation, its topology, basic concepts of electricity, how an electrical current affects a human body, risks and prevention when working in electrical installations and possible actions in or around them. They also visited Iberdrola España's Las Norias substation.

This session, organised by i-DE’s Safety and Resilience and the military police, was opened by the Chief Colonel of the 10th Zone of the La Rioja military police, Enrique Moure Lavilla and the area head of Iberdrola España in La Rioja and Institutional delegate, Carlos Sobrino.

The training was then given by Pedro Jubera Martínez, head of the UTD Logroño, and Mikel Izurdiaga, coordinator of occupational hazard prevention specialists in the Northern Zone of i-DE.

With this type of initiative the company once again demonstrates its commitment to training, prevention and the responsibilities that derive from it, with the ultimate aim of making the state security forces and corps aware of a risk that is invisible to the untrained eye.

i-DE closes the previous year with its best value for quality of service

i-DE closed 2023 in La Rioja with its best historical value in service quality with a supply interruption time of below 40 minutes. In La Rioja, the company manages more than 4,560 km of low and medium voltage lines and more than 590 km of high voltage lines. It also has 2,542 transformation centres in service and 40 substations.

Recently it has undertaken an "ambitious" plan to digitalise its electricity grids, converting its more than 1.5 million meters in the community and the infrastructure that supports them into smart meters, incorporating remote management, supervision and automation capabilities.

The digitisation of the electricity distribution grid will provide more information to implement additional energy efficiency and sustainability measures, in a way that is committed to ambitious and urgent climate action. 
