
Iberdrola España's new power substation in Castilla and León improves reliability and minimises visual impact

  • This compaction project had an important regional component with the participation of Salamanca companies Tecinsa and Surya, the Leonese company Marval Seguridad Integral and the Valladolid office of Zantza Seguridad, contributing to revitalise the economy and create jobs in Castilla and León

  • This infrastructure contributes to maintaining the supply quality levels of more than 3,000 customers in the Valladolid municipality that gives its name to the facility, as well as in neighbouring towns such as San Pedro de Latarce, Casasola de Arion, Benafarces, Tiedra, Villalonso, Castromembibre, Cabreros del Monte, Tordehumos, Pozuelo de la Orden, Urueña and Villagarcía de Campos, many of these customers in the primary sector, farms and irrigated land

Subestación de Villardefrades

i-DE, Iberdrola España's distribution company, completed the compacting project of the Villardefrades distribution transformer substation in the province of Valladolid, which helps to maintain supply quality levels for more than 3,000 customers in the municipality of the same name, as well as in neighbouring towns such as San Pedro de Latarce, Casasola de Arion, Benafarces, Tiedra, Villalonso, Castromembibre, Cabreros del Monte, Tordehumos, Pozuelo de la Orden, Urueña y Villagarcía de Campos, many of whom are in the primary sector, farms and irrigated land.

This intervention, which was carried out during 2024 and involved an investment of €1.65 M, has had a major regional component, with the participation of the Salamanca companies Tecinsa and Surya, the León company Marval Seguridad Integral and the Valladolid office of Zantza Seguridad, contributing to revitalising the economy and creating jobs in Castilla and León.

The company has compacted the cells, which are now inside prefabricated buildings, and the outlets of the medium-voltage lines have been buried underground, reducing visual impact and making the installation more reliable, meeting advanced quality and environmental criteria. 

The generation connected to this infrastructure, mostly photovoltaic, provides essential support during periods of high demand on clear days, a clear example of sustainable and environmentally friendly production.

It should be noted that project management and direction, which was carried out without affecting the normal electricity supply to customers while work was being done on this electrical infrastructure, was carried out by different i-DE teams (the Zamora Substation Territorial Unit with the support of Regional Assistance, Valladolid Rural Development, the Medina del Campo Brigade, Protections, the Distribution Operation Centre, Communications) and Corporate Security.

More than 246 substations in the community

In Castilla y León, i-DE manages more than 50,000 km of power lines, has 15,697 transformer stations in service and 246 substations. 

In recent years, the company has undertaken an ambitious plan to digitise its electricity grids. It has converted its more than 1.5 million meters in the region and the infrastructure that supports them into smart meters, incorporating remote management, supervision and automation capabilities. The digitisation of the electricity transmission grid will give us more information to implement additional energy efficiency and sustainability measures, in a way that is committed to ambitious and urgent climate action. 
