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placas solares

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Discover the news of Iberdrola's activity in Spain

In this section you can read the latest news about Iberdrola España's activities and stay informed about how we are working towards a greener future.


Follow all the latest news from Iberdrola Spain and its business lines in the economic, financial, operational and sustainability areas

Trabajadores de Iberdrola España arreglando redes eléctricas
Trabajadores de Iberdrola España arreglando redes eléctricas

Iberdrola España making good progress in the redesign of the electricity grid affected by the cold drop

The company completed 20 of the il-lumina plan to build the grid of the future in the area.
University of Salamanca installs solar panels
Comunidad solar en Colmenar Viejo
Comunidad solar en Cantabria
parque eólico
Students in i-de facilities
Parque eólico en Galicia

Energy that changes lives

"Energy that changes lives" tells how clean energy helps children with cerebral palsy, the neighbourhood around a school in Cáceres and a sustainable vineyard through the stories of Concha, Elvira and Miguel.
