19 JUL 2018

Iberdrola reaches one million homes with customised rates

  • The company continuously monitors and advises its customers to guarantee that they are always on the Plan best adapted to their needs
  • All of these contracts are also covered by a commitment that the energy is certified as 100% renewable, with a Guarantee of Origin

Iberdrola has reached one million contracts for its Customised Plans, as part of its commitment to provide solutions that meet the needs and different consumption habits of its customers, allowing consumers to adapt to the energy costs they will be incurring. With this customised solution, households benefit from an average saving of 12% on their total bill.

Iberdrola continuously monitors and advises these customers to ensure that they enjoy the Plan that best suits their needs and helps them to save more. Once this product has been contracted, Iberdrola continuously analyses consumption and detects whether the contract might be improved, contacting the customer to recommend any change and informing them of the savings this might result in.

Iberdrola clients.

The company sends out notifications to its customers, informing them of the accumulated savings resulting from the tariff change, or recommending a Plan that fits their personal consumption habits.

All these contracts - which are easily managed through the Iberdrola Customer app or the customer's personal account on the Iberdrola website - are formalised with the commitment that the energy supplied will be 100% renewable, certified and with a Guarantee of Origin.

This line of products is aimed at consumers on the free market and it allows customers to choose a tariff that adapts to different lifestyles. This enables them to enjoy a tariff plan that better meets their type of consumption - day or night, midweek or at the weekend or even choosing the eight hours of highest consumption in the day, etc. - thus saving on their electricity bill.

This ability to adapt is achieved by using the hourly consumption information that is now available after the deployment of the smart grid that Iberdrola has completed in Spain, through smart meters and the development of technology that allows the efficient and intelligent management of millions of pieces of data.

Iberdrola has one of the most advanced smart grids in the world and has already installed more than 10.5 million digital meters, as well as deploying the smart grid-adapted infrastructure that supports them. Today, almost all of its customers already enjoy the advantages of this modern technology.

Iberdrola, committed to its customers

Iberdrola is deeply committed to customer satisfaction, which inspires it to keep innovating with products and services that meet customer needs at all times.

Using a mobile app or its website - www.iberdroladistribucion.es - customers can consult their daily, weekly and monthly consumption data, their peak power demand and much more. This information makes it possible optimise consumption and decide on the type of tariff that best suits each profile.

Iberdrola leads the way in changing the model, just as it did 15 years ago with its pioneering commitment to wind energy, offering innovative solutions in areas like: sustainable mobility - Iberdrola Smart Mobility -, self-consumption systems - Iberdrola Smart Solar -, connective devices for home automation - Iberdrola Smart Home- and, in the case of Energy Wallet, with new products and tools for purchasing, managing and controlling electricity consumption.