
From 'shining' Santiago de Compostela Cathedral to taking art to the streets

  • In 2021, Fundación Iberdrola España has invested almost two million euros in renovating lighting in buildings, restorations and exhibitions.

The Iberdrola Foundation's commitment to culture has shone this year as it draws to a close. Up to two million euros have been invested in improving and polishing our heritage. The projects range from renovating the lighting in Santiago de Compostela Cathedral to bringing reproductions of works of art from the Prado Museum to the streets. It is an exhibition that has toured the cities and towns of Spain.

Most of the two million euros invested have been used to renovate the lighting of emblematic monuments in our country. The most relevant action concerned the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela.

This is an interior lighting project in which the foundation has contributed to the installation of 700 luminaires, with a total power of 15.8 kW. The lighting of different elements of the church, such as the naves, the transept, the ambulatory, the triforium and the Pórtico de la Gloria, has been renovated.

In terms of restorations, the Atlantic Romanesque Plan has carried out a total of 24 interventions in Castile and Leon and Portugal. Specifically, there are 13 actions located in the north of Portugal and 11 in the vicinity of the Duero and Támega rivers (in Salamanca and Zamora).

In addition, it is worth highlighting the successful exhibition "El Prado en las Calles", an exhibition in collaboration with the Prado Museum. This is a collection in which reproductions of the great works of the main art gallery of our country and the world are exhibited, recreating the experience of a visit. The paintings have been exhibited in their real dimensions. This travelling exhibition began in 2020 touring eight cities in Castilla-La Mancha and is currently touring eight cities in Castilla y León.

Within the Exhibitions Programme there are also collaborations with prestigious museums, such as the Museo Nacional del Prado (of which Fundación Iberdrola España is a patronage partner), the Museo Bellas Artes de Bilbao, the Museo Thyssen and the Museo Sorolla. This support seeks to promote the dissemination of significant exhibitions.

Since 2011, Fundación Iberdrola España has allocated a total of 13 million euros to the area of Art and Culture. This work is mainly focused on the Restorations Programme, which supports the workshops of leading museums for the conservation of their pictorial and artistic heritage.

One of the priority objectives of Fundación Iberdrola España is to promote culture, paying special attention to the care and maintenance of cultural and artistic diversities, singularities and richness.

In the cultural sphere, three very important lines of action are being developed: The Lighting Programme, the Restorations Programme and the Exhibitions Programme.

In the Lighting Programme, the main objective is to improve the lighting of some of the most outstanding artistic monuments and unique buildings in our country, increasing the value of our artistic heritage and promoting lower and more sustainable consumption.

Within the Restoration Programme, the foundation supports very unique projects for the recovery and conservation of historical and artistic heritage, always in collaboration with prestigious public and private entities and institutions. Finally, in the Exhibitions Programme, it supports the dissemination of our country's cultural and artistic heritage.
