
Iberdrola promotes sustainable mobility in 10 provinces with Isolux Corsan Aparcamientos

  • It installs fourteen public charging points in the parking network of the management company and will expand to another eight in the coming months.
  • With free access 24 hours a day, users of these infrastructures will recharge their electric car batteries with 100% green energy from clean energy sources.

Iberdrola and Isolux join forces to accelerate sustainable charging infrastructure. The companies have announced a partnership to deploy a public charging network in 10 Spanish provinces. Both companies already have 14 points in operation in different infrastructure company locations in Madrid, Burgos, Valladolid, Murcia, Granada, Cadiz capital and Chiclana de la Frontera.

The companies are thus making progress in the joint electric infrastructure deployment plan, which in the coming months will reach another eight points in Gran Canaria, Segovia, Zaragoza and Ceuta. Each site consists of chargers with 7.4 kilowatts (kW) of power per station, either in individual equipment or with dual charging points.

Users of these infrastructures will be able to recharge the battery of their electric vehicles 24 hours a day. They will also be able to check their availability on the Iberdrola Public Charging App, the only one in Spain that includes verified information on all electric vehicle chargers, both Iberdrola's and those of other operators. From the App, the charger can be geolocated, its operability can be checked in real time and, in this case, it can be booked and paid for from the mobile phone.

Electric mobility and green recovery

Iberdrola remains committed to the electrification of transport as part of its strategy of transition towards a decarbonised economy, as a key lever for reducing emissions and pollution, as well as for green recovery.

The company is rolling out a sustainable mobility plan, with an investment of 150 million euros, with which it will intensify the deployment of charging points for electric vehicles in the coming years. The initiative foresees the installation of around 150,000 charging points, both in homes and businesses, as well as on urban roads, in cities and on the main motorways in the coming years. The commitment to the deployment of high-efficiency stations will take the form of ultra-fast (350 kW), super-fast (150 kW) and fast (50 kW) stations.

Iberdrola is aware of the need to promote electromobility in Spain through coordinated and effective action with the main agents involved. In this regard, the company has already completed more than 50 infrastructure deployment agreements with administrations, institutions, companies, service stations, dealers and electric vehicle manufacturers.

"Isolux Aparcamientos is determined to turn its car parks into Hubs of added services for customers, with recharging points being one of the main axes; we are well aware that there is still a long way to go to turn our car parks into sustainable places but undoubtedly alliances such as Iberdrola's allow us to take an important step in the right direction", says Jaime Limón, Isolux's Operations Director.

"This alliance helps to achieve Iberdrola's goal of electrifying the economy and contributing to more sustainable transport. In addition, the support of the Public Administrations and the arrival of European funds are an important boost to accelerate the development of the infrastructure of charging points", says Antonio Armengot, Iberdrola's Commercial Delegate in Madrid and Castilla-La Mancha.

The company was the first Spanish company to sign up to The Climate Group's EV100 initiative, with the aim of accelerating the transition to electric vehicles, committing to electrify its entire fleet of vehicles and facilitate charging for staff in its businesses in Spain and the UK by 2030.
