
Mario Ruiz-Tagle: “If there is one word that identifies Iberdrola and the Basque Country, it is commitment”

  • The CEO of Iberdrola Spain took part in a round table discussion entitled New energy model and ecological transition, as part of the Euskadi towards the future conference, held at the Euskalduna Palace in Bilbao
  • During his speech, Ruiz-Tagle argued that there should be a “direct route” towards electrification because “the economy needs it”


The CEO of Iberdrola Spain, Mario Ruiz-Tagle, took part in the conference Euskadi towards the future, held at the Euskalduna Palace in Bilbao, where he stated that “if there is one word that identifies Iberdrola and the Basque Country, it is commitment”.

This commitment has to do with the company’s vocation to contribute to the economic development and employment of the Basque Country and is materialised in the purchases made by Iberdrola to the value of 1,700 million euros from 600 Basque suppliers, explained Ruiz-Tagle, who took part as a speaker at a round table discussion entitled New energy model and ecological transition.

The event, organised by the Europa Press news agency, brought together business and institutional representatives to address the keys to the future of the Basque Country from the point of view of the competitiveness of the productive fabric, the energy transition, and the creation, retention and training of talent. The conference was opened by the Lehendakari, Iñigo Urkullu.

Ruiz-Tagle recalled that Iberdrola began more than two decades ago with a “very clear” vision that the existing energy model heralded “certain serious distortions in the world of the environment and climate”.

In his opinion, the Ukrainian war has highlighted not only the need for energy transition from the point of view of climate action, but also the importance of other concepts such as autonomy, self-sufficiency and independence as “a very key element”.

According to him, Iberdrola has approached the energy transitionEnlace externo, se abre en ventana nueva.  in a “very objective” way, focusing on increasing the volume of investment in renewable energies, “maximising all the potential that the territory has”. On the other hand, he considered that the transmission and distribution networks must be increased and reinforced to incorporate all this energy that is going to be produced.

The CEO of Iberdrola Spain wanted to emphasise his message: “Welcome to all forms of non-polluting energy”.

Ruiz-Tagle also spoke about electric mobilityEnlace externo, se abre en ventana nueva.  and said that “the new generations come with the DNA of sustainability”, so “the reality will be imposed, although it is good to mark routes”.
