We bring together the keys to building a sustainable future with APIA
The Association of Environmental Information Journalists (APIA) and Iberdrola are organizing a conference on April 13 at the Q-BO building in Valladolid to discuss the near future of clean energy in Spain. Participation is free of charge.
Under the title "Renewable energies: a sustainable future", APIA and Iberdrola have organized this conference which aims to bring professionals, journalists, engineers, developers, environmentalists, conservationists, university student, etc. closer to the reality of the use of green energies in all social and economic sectors.
From 09.30h until 14h, different experts from the broadest sectors of the business and associative fabric will have the opportunity to put forward proposals and debate with the attendees the different aspects of these energies.
This conference will take place within the current framework of the energy transition in our country and aims to educate and inform on the development of renewable energies, as well as to publicise some of the most innovative projects that are being worked on. In addition, the aim is to address, in an area such as this, the implementation of renewable energies that are compatible with the conservation of biodiversity, an aspect that is of extraordinary importance in combating greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere.
"Renewable energies: a sustainable future" will begin at 09.30h with the inauguration by the President of the Valladolid Provincial Council, Conrado Íscar; the President of APIA, María García de la Fuente, and the CEO of Iberdrola Spain, Mario Ruíz-Tagle.
The role of renewable energies in the decarbonisationExternal link, opens in new window. of the economy will be discussed by one of the Europe's leading experts, José Luis Adanero, Director of Regulation and Markets at Iberdrola Renovables Energía.
Green hydrogen, an energy source that is very much on the lips of companies and administrations, will be present at the conference. For this purpose, on April 13, Miguel A. Peña, secretary of the Spanish Hydrogen Association, will travel to Valladolid to present the realities of this fuel.
That this transition, in which we find ourselves, has to be compatible with biodiversity, is an element that no one doubts. To this end, the organisational director of SEO BirdLife, Miguel López, and Pablo Rodríguez, partner of the environmental consultancy GEOCYL, will discuss whether the "green" parameters are being met.
A colloquium moderated by the environmental journalist, Eva González, will bring to the table different leaders of groups closely involved and linked to the energy transition. Thus, we will have high-level representatives from Iberdrola, the Wind Energy Business Association Eólica (AEE), the Spanish Solar Photovoltaic Association (UNEF) and the Wind Energy Promoters Association of Castile and León (APECYL).
The conference will be closed by Iberdrola's DIRCOM, José Luis Fernández, and the vice-president of the Association of Environmental Information Journalists, Javier Valenzuela, from Valladolid.
After lunch, at the Q-BO site itself, the organization will provide a bus to take attendees to the Peñaflor wind farm complexExternal link, opens in new window. , owned by Iberdrola, in the province of Valladolid.
All those interested in participating can register by sending an e-mail to apiacorreo@gmail.comExternal link, opens in new window. , indicating "Jornada Energía Renovables" and their name, surname and e-mail address in the subject line. Places are limited. The full programme can be found on the website www.apiaweb.org
External link, opens in new window. . The Q-BO space is located inCalle del Monasterio del Paular s/n, in front of the Cortes de Castilla y León in Valladolid.