
We obtain the administrative authorisation for three photovoltaic plants in the Valencia region

  • These are the Alhorines (50 MW, Villena), Ayora (200 MW) and Cofrentes (200 MW) facilities, which will generate enough clean energy to supply approximately 225,000 homes per year.
  • The construction of these renewable plants, whose investment will exceed €280 million, will involve the employment of up to 1,550 professionals during peak work periods
  • The projects, which already have the corresponding environmental authorisations, reinforce the company's commitment to the region.


Iberdrola España has obtained the administrative authorisations for the development of its photovoltaic projects in Alhorines (50 MW, La Encina-Villena), Ayora (200 MW) and Cofrentes (200 MW), after obtaining the corresponding environmental authorisations.

These new solar energy production facilities, which will have a total capacity of 450 MW, will generate enough clean energy to supply approximately 225,000 homes per year and, once commissioned, will prevent the emission of more than 135,000 tonnes of CO2 .

The construction of the three projects, which will involve an investment of more than €280 million, will also boost the local and regional business fabric, as it will be necessary to hire more than 1,550 professionals during peak work periods.

The most advanced project at present is the Alhorines project, which has already received administrative authorisation for construction and is awaiting the corresponding municipal building permit to begin work.

The company continues with the processing of two other photovoltaic plants in the province of Alicante (FV Biar 45 MW and FV Alcoi 49 MW), thus reinforcing the company's commitment to the region, where it manages more than 4,800 MW of renewable and sustainable energy, including the Cortes-La Muela External link, opens in new window. hydroelectric plant, which houses the largest pumping station in Europe. This is a gigabattery in the form of water storage that guarantees the supply of the national electricity system.

Coexistence with the environment

Iberdrola España promotes renewable energies as a driver of development in the areas in which they are implemented and fully integrates the conservation of the biological biodiversity of ecosystems into its strategy, thereby demonstrating that the supply of competitive, clean, and sustainable energy can coexist effectively with environmental balance.

The company will implement measures to conserve the environment of the different projects approved in the Valencia region with a specific design according to the particularities of each project. It is planned to maintain the natural vegetation so that it can be used as pasture for sheep, to establish natural corridors for the existing fauna to improve the integration of the facilities with the environment, and to create water points for birds and amphibian breeding inside the plants.

In order to protect the surrounding fauna, primillares (nesting houses) will be built to favour the cohabitation of the kestrel and photovoltaic generation, perches for nocturnal birds of prey will be installed on the fences of the facility and studies and monitoring of the birds in the area will be carried out to contribute to their conservation.

In addition, the creation of a fauna reserve has been proposed on land owned by the company, within an area of more than 50 hectares, to conserve the habitat of steppe species, guarantee their conservation, favour the growth of their populations, and reduce or minimise the factors causing their regression.

In addition, measures will also be developed to help promote local development, such as encouraging the presence of pollinating insects in the area by planting aromatic plants and installing beehives, which will be operated by companies from the Valencia Region.

It should be noted that the company recently held the first edition of the CONVIVE Awards, which were created with the aim of advancing the energy transition towards decarbonisation and recognise the best initiatives for the coexistence of renewable energies, nature and people.

Leading the energy transition

Iberdrola has been leading the energy transition for two decades, acting as a key driving force in the transformation of the industrial fabric, the economy and employment. To continue with its work, the company has launched a historic investment planExternal link, opens in new window.  of €47 billion between 2023 and 2025, with which it intends to increase its renewable capacity, its smart grids and take advantage of the opportunities of the energy revolution facing the world's major economies.

In Spain, investments to 2025 amount to €6 billion, mainly earmarked for the deployment of renewables and smart grids. Iberdrola España is currently reaffirming its commitment to the energy transition in Spain as a leader in renewable energies, with almost 20,000 MW of renewable energy in the country.

Following investments of €140 billion over the last twenty years, the group is a leader in renewable energy with almost 40,000 MW installed worldwide, a volume that makes its generation park one of the cleanest in the energy sector.
