
Iberdrola España honors veteran and retired workers in Castilla y León

  • These awards are starting today in the region and the company will also be held in Madrid, Bilbao and Valencia, in recognition of the group's recognition of the professionals who have contributed to Iberdrola's growth and expansion.
  • The CEO of Iberdrola España, Mario Ruiz-Tagle, thanked them for their dedication to the company over the years. 
  • The more than 50 professionals from the community received a memento for their long career at the company.

Mario Ruiz-Tagle, President of Iberdrola España, and Eva Mancera, CEO of i-DE, present their gifts to veteran employees of the company.

Iberdrola España today held the traditional tribute to its veteran professionals in Castilla y León. On this occasion, the company has gathered more than 50 employees who have completed 25 and 40 years of seniority in the company or who have retired in the past year.

The meeting has had attendees from the different provinces of the community, as well as professionals from Álava, Asturias and Orense, to whom the CEO of Iberdrola Spain, Mario Ruiz-Tagle, has thanked for their dedication and contribution to the company during all these years. "It is an important day for all of us. Iberdrola wants to pay tribute to those of you who have already spent a large part of your lives dedicated to this important activity for society, which is to produce electricity, to take it to the last home, to the last industry or to the last hospital."

"We have built a world leader. Today Iberdrola is the second largest electricity company in the world in terms of market capitalization, and the largest electricity company in Europe, serving 100 million people around the world. For more than 20 years you have been the protagonists of Iberdrola's growth and success story in the renewable energy sector. Your experience and knowledge have contributed to building a cleaner and more sustainable world, through a business model that has made us leaders", he said.

The honorees were accompanied by Iberdrola executives, including the CEO of i-DE, the company's distributor, Eva Mancera, the director of Human Resources in Spain, Álvaro Murga, the director of hydroelectric generation, Alejandro Román, the company's commercial director in the region, Celiano García, and the Iberdrola delegate in the community, Miguel Calvo.

The professionals received a memento for their years dedicated to Iberdrola. The active personnel who have completed 25 years of seniority in 2023 have been given a silver caravel, while the workers who have been with the company for 40 years have received a watch, as well as those who retired last year, who have also been presented with a commemorative plate.

These tributes are starting today in Castilla y León and the company will also be held in Madrid, Bilbao and Valencia, in recognition of the group's recognition of the professionals who have contributed to Iberdrola's growth and expansion.
