European Mobility Week


Iberdrola España steps on the accelerator of electric mobility and exceeds 5,000 public charging points

  • The company thus reinforces its position as the most extensive network and enables drivers to travel throughout the country with electric vehicles.
  • Its 2023-2025 investment plan includes 150 million euros to build a network of 110,000 recharging points.

Mujer carga su coche eléctrico

Iberdrola España exceeds 5,000 charging points in Spain and reinforces its position as the most extensive public charging network in Spain, after adding more than 200 chargers per month during 2023. To this figure should be added 3,000 more points under construction and 2,000 more awaiting administrative procedures.  

The energy company's sustainable mobility plan envisages the installation of charging stations for electric vehicles on the country's main highways and corridors, as well as in public access areas in cities and small towns in Spain, with the aim of setting up at least one fast charging station every 50 km or less, which will allow travel throughout the country with full safety and autonomy. In addition, all the energy supplied in Iberdrola España's public grid is 100% of renewable origin, facilitating the sustainable mobility of its more than 150,000 users.

Iberdrola España's network currently has the largest number of fast and ultra-fast charging points (points of more than 50 kW and up to 400kW) in Spain, with more than 1,500, distributed throughout the country. The fast stations allow charging most of the battery between 20 and 30 minutes, while in the ultra-fast stations, the time is reduced to between 5 and 10 minutes.

The development of the mobility network also extends to the private sector, with more than 26,000 points installed, including companies, including agreements with Mercadona, Telefónica, Vodafone and Northgate, and in private homes, where Iberdrola also has agreements with the vast majority of car brands to facilitate their installation at each customer's residence. 

Along the same lines, and with the aim of facilitating the adoption of electric vehicles, the company's strategy, with more than 50 agreements for the deployment of charging infrastructure, includes collaboration with the main agents involved in mobility, from administrations to institutions, companies, service stations, dealers and electric vehicle manufacturers.

Iberdrola's Sustainable Mobility Plan was a pioneer in the sector when it was launched in 2016. Today seven years later, its 2023-2025 strategy contemplates the investment of 150 million for the electrification of transport and the installation of 110,000 recharging points.

More than 500 buses

In order to achieve more sustainable cities, Iberdrola España is committed to the electric bus. With projects already implemented and under development, Iberdrola España will facilitate the daily recharging of more than 500 electric buses in the Iberian Peninsula and expects to continue helping to electrify more vehicles in the coming months.

The company has been collaborating for some time with city councils and operators to help them on their journey of transition to emission-free mobility, and relies on the electric bus as the most sustainable, efficient and economical technological solution for mass transport of people in cities.

Among the urban transport electrification projects that the company is carrying out, the following stand out: Madrid (EMT, Carabanchel, Entrevías and Sanchinarro operations center), Valladolid (Auvasa), Alcorcón (Arriva), Algeciras (Algesa), Elche (Avanza), Pamplona (TCC), Braga (TUB), Alicante (Vectalia), among others.

Electrification of heavy transport

In addition, in the field of heavy road transport, Iberdrola has the first recharging points in the Mediterranean Corridor for 100% electric trucks, together with the transport and logistics company Disfrimur and the company specializing in power electronics, Ingeteam. This agreement, recently extended to the rest of Spain, will install more than 160 recharging points for electric trucks in the logistics bases that the transport company has located in the peninsula.

With the aim of accelerating the decarbonization of heavy road transport and combating climate change, Iberdrola España and the Business Association for the Development and Promotion of Electric Mobility (AEDIVE) have created the first alliance for the electrification of heavy road transport in Spain, bringing together all the sectors involved: manufacturers, charging infrastructure, logistics operators and end customers.
