
More than 8,000 people dyed Zamora green in the 15th MUCHO X VIVIR 2023 RACE, sponsored by Iberdrola España

  • The Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC) has the special support of Iberdrola España as main sponsor and is part of the agreement between the two organisations to work for scientific research and social awareness of the disease. 
  • The proceeds from this collaboration will go to continue supporting cancer research.
  • In addition, taking advantage of this charity sporting event, Iberdrola España wanted to recall the campaign Together Against Cancer, through which the company offers its customers the opportunity to collaborate with the association, pledging to double the amount they donate monthly through their electricity or gas bill.

Race in Zamora

Iberdrola España and the Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC) joined forces this Sunday. The 15th MUCHO X VIVIR 2023 Zamora Against Cancer RACE, which had the special support of Iberdrola España as the main sponsor, dyed the city's most central streets green as more than 8,000 participants took part.

The proceeds from this collaboration, which is part of the agreement between the two organisations, will be used to work both on research to improve the diagnosis and treatment of cancer, and to raise social awareness in the fight against the disease.

In addition, taking advantage of this charity sporting event, Iberdrola España wanted to recall one of the most innovative initiatives developed within the framework of this agreement, the Together Against Cancer campaign, through which the company offers its customers the possibility of collaborating with the association, pledging to double the amount they donate each month through their electricity or gas bill.

Iberdrola España and the Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC) have a long-standing relationship that was consolidated in 2015 with the signing of a collaboration agreement aimed at cancer research. The continued commitment of the company and its customers has made Iberdrola España the main private collaborator of the AECC.

Iberdrola España, creating value for society

Iberdrola España's commitment to Zamora is part of the company's deep ties with this region, where it was founded more than 120 years ago and from where it has been promoting the energy transition towards renewable and competitive energies External link, opens in new window. that promote the development of a sustainable and environmentally and socio-economically responsible society.

Looking to the future, Iberdrola España will continue to invest heavily in this region in order to continue offering its almost 130,000 customers in Zamora an increasingly better quality of service. To this end, it plans to invest €36 million in electricity networks in the province over the next four years, an additional €40 million in the expansion of wind farmsExternal link, opens in new window. , €4.7 million in hydroelectric infrastructures over the last two years and a recurrent fiscal contribution of more than €13 million per year from provincial taxes.

The company has 17 facilities in the province of Zamora with an installed capacity of 976 MW, four wind infrastructures and 13 hydroelectric plants, a clean and flexible energy that creates jobs and is committed to training professionals in a booming sector that offers jobs to young people. In addition, together with the Rei Afonso Henriques Foundation, it trains young people from schools in Zamora on the risks of climate change.External link, opens in new window. 

Iberdrola España will reforest the Zamora towns of Muelas del Pan and San Cebrián de Castro, which have been the winning municipalities in Castilla y León in the initiative Bosque busca pueblo en el que crecer (Forest seeks village to grow up in) launched by the company. Hand in hand, they will be responsible for promoting the recovery of natural spaces through the conversion of burnt or wasteland into forests, the development of employment and of the territory.

The company also recently announced in the Zamora capital that it will invest in a pioneering large-scale aluminium recycling project of the company LatemAluminium,External link, opens in new window.  which will create 800 jobs, 300 of them direct, by 2026 in the provinces of León and Zamora.
