
The Regional Minister for the Environment of the Castile and León Regional Government visits Iberdrola España's Hydroelectric Operation Centre in Salamanca

  • From the Salamanca town of Carbajosa de la Sagrada, the company controls and supervises all its hydroelectric plants in Spain.
  • Its design responds to the concept of remote-controlled operation of the facilities, with modern computer and communications systems that allow secure and permanent operation, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. 

Juan Carlos Suárez-Quiñones, Regional Minister for the Environment of the Junta of Castile and León, and José Ángel Arranz, Director General of Natural Heritage and Forestry Policy, accompanied by Iberdrola España's delegate in Castile and León, Miguel Calvo, and Iberdrola España's director of hydroelectric generation,  Enrique Sola, visited the company's Hydroelectric Operation Centre, an important infrastructure that, from the Salamanca town of Carbajosa de Sagrada controls and supervises all of Iberdrola España's hydroelectric plants in Spain.

With a total staff of 52 people, its design responds to the concept of remote-controlled operation of the facilities, with modern computer and communications systems that allow secure and permanent operation, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, as the true wildcard of energy production and the means to ensure that the needs of demand are always met instantly.

Historically, the operation of Iberdrola España's hydroelectric plants in Spain was carried out from four Basin Operation Centres (COCs): Sil, Tajo, Duero Norte and Mediterráneo. The technology of these COCs was from the late 1990s. In 2018, the renovation of the systems and a restructuring of the operation of the hydroelectric plants began, which has resulted in the unification of the four COCs into a single centre, called the Hydroelectric Operation Centre (COHI), which is located at Iberdrola España's work centre at the El Montalvo Industrial Estate, in Carbajosa de la Sagrada, in the province of Salamanca.

Iberdrola España work centre in El Montalvo

Iberdrola España opened a new work centre in El Montalvo in the summer of 2017. It is located in a strategic area close to the city's main communication routes in order to facilitate the development of the activities carried out by the people who occupy the complex, as well as guaranteeing improved response times and attention to the good condition of the power lines and supply.

These offices bring together Iberdrola España's workforce in Salamanca in an efficient and modern centre, equipped with the latest technologies and with equipment and facilities adapted to the needs of the workstations required by the company, always committed to the quality and ergonomics of the company's standards.

Iberdrola España also guarantees the separation and independent operation of the various businesses of the Group, through separate establishments and areas.
