
Cantabrian companies accompany Iberdrola España in renewable projects

  • Iberdrola España has just signed a contract with Construcciones Rotella for the connection of the El Escudo wind power project in Cantabria and with Reinosa Forgings and Castings for the manufacture of turbines for its Valdecañas hydroelectric power plant in Extremadura.
  • Iberdrola España thus reinforces its commitment to Cantabria by exerting an important tractor effect with local suppliers.

Cañoneras wind farm

The Cantabrian companies Construcciones Rotella and Reinosa Forgings and Castings accompany Iberdrola España in its most important renewable projects. Both companies have just signed agreements with the Spanish electricity company.

Construcciones Rotella, located in Torrelavega, will carry out the civil works and electromechanical assembly services for the evacuation line connecting the Hoyo de los Vallados substation with the ST Aguayo substation. All of this is part of the El Escudo Enlace externo, se abre en ventana nueva. wind power project.

For its part, Reinosa Forgings and Castings has joined the Valdecañas Hydroelectric Power Plant project in Extremadura. The company, a leading manufacturer of large forged and cast parts in sustainable steel, will be responsible for several elements of the turbine of Iberdrola España's Valdecañas HPP. Specifically, the three turbine shafts, for the three groups of the renewable facility.
With these contracts, Iberdrola España reinforces its commitment to Cantabria by exerting a driving effect on the economy and employability of local suppliers. 

Construcciones Rotella and the sustainable opportunity in Cantabria

Construcciones Rotella will participate in the development of the El Escudo wind farm. The renewable infrastructure has been designed to produce 453,600 MWh annually, which will be able to supply around 80,000 homes, while avoiding the emission of 113,400 t/year of CO2, a figure equivalent to the photosynthesis action of approximately 5.5 million trees.

Furthermore, in order to cause the least possible impact, the design has gone beyond the exquisite compliance with the regulations, selecting the alternatives for the layout of internal roads that involve the least possible earthworks, taking advantage of the orography and existing roads and selecting the best possible locations for each of the elements. In fact, this park is the first in our country to incorporate BIM methodology to minimise the impact of civil works during the construction phase.

This project is expected to have an economic impact of approximately one million euros per year in terms of social measures, taxes and fees in the municipalities where it is located: Campoo de Yuso, San Miguel de Aguayo, Molledo and Luena. 

This is not the first time that the energy company has placed its trust in this centenary company based in Torrelavega. Construcciones Rotella collaborated, through AMETEL, in the commissioning of the largest photovoltaic plant in Europe, Francisco Pizarro in Extremadura.

Francisco Pizarro' has 590 megawatts (MW) of installed power and is made up of nearly 1.5 million photovoltaic modules that will generate enough clean energy to supply more than 334,000 homes and prevent the emission of 150,000 tonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere per year. The project, whose commissioning began in August 2022 and which has an investment of more than €300 million, generates more than 1,500 jobs during peak construction periods, 60% of which will be filled by local workers.  

Reinosa Forgings and Castings and Iberdrola España: Hand in Hand in Extremadura

Reinosa Forgings and Castings is working with Iberdrola España on the Valdecañas CHP project, which the electricity company has in Extremadura. Specifically, it will be responsible for the manufacture of three turbine shafts for the renewable energy facility. The plant in Campuria has already successfully collaborated in other previous Iberdrola España projects in which it has stood out for its technical and flexible solutions for the manufacture of complex parts.

The company located in the Cantabrian town of Reinosa is one of the world's leading manufacturers of large forged and cast parts. With more than one hundred years of experience and growth, it has accumulated a tradition of knowledge inherited generation after generation, developing a high know-how and technological level.

The metallurgical plant is one of the main economic and social engines of the Campurria region in the south of the region. It is undoubtedly one of the great poles of development in one of the areas most affected by depopulation in Cantabria. The factory is located very close to the wind power projects currently being promoted by Iberdrola España in the region (El Escudo and Campo Alto-La Costana), which in turn have already begun to generate actions to support the local communities in the surrounding area.

Both companies share the vision of how business and sustainable industrial development can respond positively to the demographic challenge and the development of peripheral regions.
