
Iberdrola España Develops a Solar Community in Coria To Benefit 212 Families

  • This infrastructure will allow households to reduce their electricity bills by benefiting from renewable self-consumption without any investments

  • The facility, which generates 100% sustainable energy, is located on the roof of a carpentry company and will generate 162,214 kWh per year

  • From Monday 20 May, all residents who wish to obtain further information on solar communities or find out if they can be beneficiaries, can visit the Gefiscal office in Coria, where they will deal with their queries in detail

Iberdrola España has developed a solar community in Coria (Cáceres) that will allow a total of 212 families to benefit from a reduction in their electricity bill and access to renewable self-consumption – without any installation or investment. 

This facility has 232 panels of 460 Wp each, with a total installed power of 106.72 kWp, of which 0.5 kWp will be used by Carpintería Goyito company, which has placed the panels on its roof, and the rest, 106.22 kWp, will be available to Coria residents who wish to use them.

Over two hundred families are expected to benefit from this self-consumption, and they will be able to join the "solar community" as long as they are Iberdrola España customers and located within a radius of up to 2 km from the point where the panels are located. In addition, the first 50 to join will receive a gift.

To find out about solar communities’ advantages, informative talks will be held from today, Monday 20th May until the Solar Community is full. The talks will take place at the GEFISCAL office in Coria at Avenida Sierra de Gata, nº 6, from 09.00 to 18.00 hours, where any doubts about how the community works or whether they meet the requirements to belong to the solar community will be cleared. 

162,212 kWh of renewable energy annually

We expect to generate 162,212 kWh of renewable energy annually, which will avoid the emission of 32.7 tonnes of CO2 per year – equivalent to travelling more than 280,000 km by car or planting 1,622 trees. If we calculate over 30 years, the estimated useful life of the solar facility, the CO2 emissions avoided would be more than 1,000 tonnes, – equivalent to planting almost 50,000 trees. According to Iberdrola España, this is a way of "promoting sustainability while saving on the bill".

In addition, users can also calculate the economic and environmental savings and join the solar community through the Iberdrola Solar Communities website, by visiting one of the Iberdrola España service points or by calling the free telephone number +34 900 92 33 33.

15,000 families in Extremadura can access self-consumption thanks to Iberdrola España

In Extremadura, 15,000 families can access self-consumption without any investment or installation thanks to the solar communities installed by Iberdrola España in different parts of the region. This also represents a significant saving on the electricity bill.

In addition to Coria, in the province of Cáceres, this system of local and renewable energy self-consumption exists in municipalities such as Miajadas, Navalmoral and Plasencia. Also in Cáceres, the capital, which was the first ever "solar city" in the country to offer all its inhabitants the possibility of accessing energy self-consumption. 

In the province of Badajoz, the main towns with the highest number of solar communities are Don Benito, Badajoz, Almendralejo, Villanueva de la Serena and Mérida.

New form of self-consumption

Iberdrola España's solar communities are based on collective self-consumption and consist of two main actors. On the one hand, there is the owner of the roof, who offers his unused space to place solar panels and generate 100% renewable energy to help him save on his electricity bill. On the other hand, there are the neighbours, who must be within a radius of up to 2 km from the roof, who can self-consume clean, local energy thanks to the energy surplus of the roof's owner – without any type of investment, installation or commitment – through a subscription model, similar to any digital platform.
