
Iberdrola España and Agremia join forces to promote decarbonisation through Energy Saving Certificates

  • The association's SMEs and micro-SMEs will have easy access to this subsidy system through Iberdrola España and offer the best prices. 
  • Customers will be able to benefit from direct aid of up to 70% when replacing a combustion boiler with a heat pump.

Agremia e Iberdrola España llegan a un acuerdo

In its commitment to accelerating the energy transition and aware of the advantages of the Energy Saving Certificates (ESCs), Iberdrola España and the Spanish Association of Companies in the Installations and Energy Sector (Agremia) have signed a deal to provide the SMEs and micro-SMEs that make up the association access to this aid system to achieve the best prices to replace combustion boilers with heat pumps for their customers. 

The agreement aims to overcome the limitation that SMEs and micro-SMEs have when it comes to accessing the ESCs system on their own, allowing this type of company to access Iberdrola's ESC agreement. Agremia installers will be able to calculate the savings generated by replacing a fossil fuel boiler with an aerothermal installation and know the money that their client will receive thanks to this deal. 

With each action carried out in homes, both single-family and condos, Agremia will compile the installers' documentation on its platform and, after verifying it, Iberdrola España will manage and request the ESCs from the Ministry, so that customers can finally benefit from economic savings in their boiler replacements. 

The economic benefit of this agreement, compared to traditional subsidies and grants, allows customers to receive the money in a short period of time. The amount, which is known in advance, varies according to the project’s total investment, and can save up to 70% on a heat pump replacement of a gas boiler, if we also add the existing tax deductions.

"This agreement is another example of Iberdrola's commitment to promote decarbonisation and help the planet and society to be more sustainable. Aerothermal energy also has an impact on the comfort of the home and can earn you significant savings, not only in terms of energy but also in monetary terms, which are now increased through the ESCs", says Antonio Armengot, Iberdrola España's sales representative in Madrid. 

"Agremia's commitment to boosting the installations and energy sector is reflected in this deal, which places the installation company at the forefront of the energy transformation towards a decarbonisation of the residential market. The platform will enable the savings generated by Agremia companies to be channelled and brought together, with Iberdrola España as strategic partner", said Inmaculada Peiró, Managing Director of Agremia.

Emission reductions 

A total of 40% of emissions in Europe come from heating homes with fossil fuels. Various European programmes advocate for accelerating the transition to renewable energies, mainly aerothermal.

Aerothermal systems are heat pumps that extract energy from the air through a thermodynamic cycle to provide heating in winter, cooling in summer and hot water all year round.

Aerothermal energy, compared to traditional boilers, being a renewable energy source, avoids combustion and its associated emissions, while at the same time achieving savings of up to 70% in energy for heating in the case of underfloor heating and up to 40% in the case of radiators. In addition, this technology is safer as it eliminates the need for storage and dependence on fuel.
