
Iberdrola España supports the Guardia Civil in Salamanca in its Charity Run

  • ​​​​​The capital of Salamanca hosted this charity run which brought together an amazing total of 850 runners and walkers and has enjoyed the special collaboration of Iberdrola España.
  • All proceeds will go to the Spanish Cancer Association in Salamanca.
  • Iberdrola España wanted to highlight this initiative’s charity side and its compliance with the SDGs integrated into its business strategy, focusing on goal number 3, contributing to the improvement of the health and well-being of the people of Salamanca through physical activity and sport.


This morning, the capital of Salamanca hosted the Carrera Guardia Civil Salamanca, a charity run which brought together 850 runners and walkers, surpassing all expectations, with Iberdrola España’s special collaboration. All proceeds from this race will go to the Salamanca chapter of the Spanish Cancer Association.

Iberdrola España wanted to highlight this initiative’s charity side and its compliance with the SDGs integrated into its business strategy, focusing on goal number 3, contributing to improving the health and well-being of the people of Salamanca through physical activity and sport.

Iberdrola España's rep in Castilla y León, Miguel Calvo, reiterated the company's "commitment" to the province of Salamanca and spoke highly of this type of initiative which "in addition to promoting a healthy lifestyle, reaffirms Iberdrola España's commitment to charity projects".

The spokesman for the Guardia Civil in Salamanca stressed that "we had a great day of sport and charity with an unexpected response from the Salamanca people taking part, as well as from sponsors and collaborators, not only for the amount raised but also for helping the Spanish Cancer Association to raise awareness about prevention and improve people's lives".

Iberdrola España with the people of Salamanca 

Iberdrola España's commitment to the province of Salamanca is part of the company's close ties to this area, where it was founded more than 115 years ago and where it has been promoting the energy transition towards renewable and competitive energies that promote the development of a sustainable and environmentally and socio-economically responsible society.
