
Iberdrola Group recognizes the best initiatives of environmental, agricultural and social coexistence with renewables in Spain

  • The Town Councils of Paredes de Nava and La Serna; Red Española de Desarrollo Sostenible; Ocean Ecostructures; Técnicas e Instalaciones Eléctricas Salamanca (Tecinsa); Prensa Ibérica; Centro de Investigación en Biodiversidad y cambio global de la UAM, and Patricia Rebollo, shepherdess of the photovoltaic plant in Ceclavín, were the winners in this second edition of the Convive Awards, which were attended by more than 300 people.
  • The ceremony was attended by the President of the Regional Government of Castilla y León, Alfonso Fernández Mañueco, and the Chairman of Iberdrola Group, Ignacio Galán, who praised these projects and works as an example of coexistence in the rural world and the transition.

The Iberdrola Group, of which Iberdrola España is part, has awarded today in the town of Paredes de Nava in Palencia the best initiatives of environmental, agricultural and social coexistence with renewable energies to value the best work and projects that exemplify that the energy transition can coexist with the rural world and promote job creation and development.

The chairman of the Iberdrola Group, Ignacio Galán, highlighted the benefits of green energy for the rural environment. “Today we recognize courageous bets for the energy transition. We advocate boosting industry, employment and the future to create a more just, fraternal and sustainable society.

Iberdrola has a spirit of service that guides, from the very beginning, all the projects we undertake, from the largest to the smallest. We know that harmony with local administrations and the communities in which we are present is essential to achieve more objectives and make this energy transition more tangible and fair,” added the electricity company's chairman.

The Iberdrola Group, in this second edition of the Convive Awards, together with the Center for Innovation in Technology for Human Development of the Polytechnic University of Madrid (itdUPM), has recognized in each category:

  • In the category of Innovative Solutions and Research: Spanish Network for Sustainable Development (REDS-SDSN) and Ocean Ecoestructures.
  • In Social and Business Entrepreneurship: Técnicas e Instalaciones Eléctricas Salamanca (Tecinsa).
  • In Communication and Awareness: Prensa Ibérica.
  • In the Youth category: Patricia Rebollo, shepherdess at the Ceclavín photovoltaic plant in the province of Cáceres.
  • In the Local Entities and Citizen Participation category: City Council of Paredes de Nava (Palencia) and City Council of La Serna (Palencia).
  • Finally, the Special Biodiversity Award went to the Biodiversity and Global Change Research Center of the Autonomous University of Madrid (CIBC-UAM).

The ceremony was also attended by the President of the Regional Government of Castilla y León, Alfonso Fernández Mañueco; the Mayor of Paredes de Nava, Luis Antonio Calderón; the President of the Provincial Council of Palencia, Ángeles Armisén; the CEO of Iberdrola Spain, Mario Ruiz-Tagle, and the Minister of Economy of the Regional Government of Castilla y León, Carlos Fernández Carriedo, among other authorities.

An independent jury formed by Carlos Mataix, director of the Center for Technological Innovation for Human Development (itdUPM); María García de la Fuente, president of the Association of Environmental Information Journalists (APIA); José Carlos Díez, director of the Responsible Renewables Chair at the University of Alcalá; Víctor Viñuales, executive director of the Ecology and Development Foundation (ECODES); Elena Pita, director of the Biodiversity Foundation; Ana Barreira, director of the International Institute of Law and Environment (IIDMA) and Juan José Álvarez, secretary of ASAJA, was responsible for choosing the winners, who will become part of the repository of winners, receiving special recognition and other elements of visibility for their project.

Find out more about the winners of the Convive Award in the Communication Room of Iberdrola's website.
