
Iberdrola Group adheres to the Bilbao Charter of Values

  • The Mayor of Bilbao, Juan Mari Aburto, and the Executive Chairman of Iberdrola Group, Ignacio Galán, presided this morning at Torre Iberdrola over the event committing to the values promulgated in the Charter.
  • A large part of Bilbao's business network, around 30 companies, have joined the initiative to spread the city's values.
firma del acuerdo

The Mayor of Bilbao, Juan Mari Aburto, and the Executive Chairman of Iberdrola Group, Ignacio Galán, signed the city's Charter of Values this morning in the Biscayan capital. Both have defended shared principles such as solidarity, justice, equality and staying true to one's word. "Societies with clear rules and a laws-based legal framework offer stability and attract investment".

The event was attended by some thirty companies that have also signed the Bilbao Charter of Values.

Each and every one of these companies, benchmarks in Bilbao's business fabric, have signed their commitment to foster, promote and maintain attitudes and behaviour in accordance with the spirit and content of the Charter of Values. 

Throughout the month of November, Bilbao City Council, in collaboration with Iberdrola Group, of which Iberdrola España forms part, and Torre Iberdrola, has carried out a campaign encouraging companies and individuals to sign the Charter of Values. 

This action is part of the project 'Bilbao Balioen Hiria-Bilbao, a city of values' and the signatory companies undertake to defend the following individual and collective principles: 

  • Respect for human rights, social justice, equality between women and men, solidarity.
  • Diversity and inclusion, commitment, environmental sustainability.
  • Co-responsibility, coexistence, identity, hard work.
  • Trust, creativity, participation, honesty, enthusiasm, health.

The Mayor of Bilbao, Juan Mari Aburto, has highlighted the value of this unprecedented initiative. "Today is undoubtedly a great day for all the people who live and work in Bilbao. The firm and decisive commitment of the working, professional and business world to the Bilbao Balioen Hiria project through its adhesion to the Charter of Values is an unprecedented milestone that we think is a very positive step. The companies present here today are committed to doing their bit to build a better society, so that we can continue to collectively work towards the model of city we want". 

For his part, the Executive Chairman of Iberdrola Group, Ignacio Galán, stressed that "Iberdrola is a company of people that works for people and within the framework of this mission we support this initiative from the city that was our birthplace almost 124 years ago and with which we share values such as social justice, equality, diversity and inclusion and environmental sustainability. Bilbao is an example of a city committed to the needs and sensitivities of its residents and it is a pleasure to work hand in hand with its City Council and Mayor Aburto for a more fraternal, just and sustainable society".

Bilbao: A city of values 

‘Bilbao Balioen Hiria-Bilbao, a city of values' is a participatory initiative promoted by the Bilbao City Council, but built and developed, from the beginning, in collaboration with residents. It aims is to make the city known and recognised not only for its important regeneration, recovery and economic and urban transformation, but also for its values. The aim is to create a space for analysis, dialogue, reflection and collaborative work between institutions, organisations of all kinds, companies, the media, political groups and citizens in general, to promote and share a framework of shared values in the city. 

As a result of this project, in March 2018 the Plenary of the City Council approved the Bilbao Charter of Values, which identifies the 17 values that should form the backbone of the coexistence of Bilbao's residents and that should guide the future of the city in the coming years. 

Any person or organisation that wishes to do so can adhere to the Bilbao Charter of Values by filling out a simple online form available both on the City Council’s website and on the Bilbao Balioen Hiria’s website. 
