05 FEB 2025

The Q-Zero Partnership promoted by Iberdrola España is presented in Barcelona to publicise decarbonisation’s opportunities for the Catalan economy

  • ENGINYERS BCN has organised with Foment del Treball, Pimec, Iberdrola España and UPM, a conference to present the partnership for thermal decarbonisation
  • Representatives of the Generalitat took part, such as the Catalan Minister for Territory, Housing and the Environmental Transition, Silvia Paneque, and the Catalan Minister for Business and Work, Miquel Sàmper

The Q-Zero Partnership was presented this Wednesday (5/2) in Barcelona to present the opportunities generated by decarbonisation for the Catalan economy. The event, organised by ENGINYERS BCN with Foment, Pimec, Iberdrola España and UPM, was attended by more than 200 people.

More than 100 organisations have so far joined the Q-Zero Partnership, a project for the decarbonisation of thermal demand in Spain promoted by the Centre for Innovation in Technology for Human Development of the Polytechnic University of Madrid (itdUPM) and Tecnalia and promoted by Iberdrola España.

The event was attended by the Councillors for Territory, Housing and the Environmental Transition, Silvia Paneque, and for Business and Work, Miquel Sàmper. In addition, representatives of the different administrations took part, explaining the policies and funds aimed at promoting industrial decarbonisation, and different companies also presented the opportunities and experiences they have had while accelerating decarbonisation.

The initiative, which is open to all stakeholders, was created as a point of meeting and dialogue to accelerate decarbonisation, especially of thermal energy demanders in industry, and to combat climate change.

Gonzalo Sáenz de Miera, Director of Climate Change and Partnerships at Iberdrola Group, highlighted the risk of global competition to achieve decarbonisation, which represents an enormous opportunity for Catalonia, with cheaper energy and without depending on third countries. Decarbonisation is a major challenge and we cannot do it alone. "The aim of the Q-Zero Partnership is to listen to demand and take advantage of opportunities so that for the first time we’re in the best position to lead an industrial transition".

The dean of ENGINYERS BCN, Miquel Darnés, pointed out that all Catalan sectors must know how to reduce costs. "The question is not whether we’re going to decarbonise, but who will be the first to do so. It’s not only a climate obligation, it’s an opportunity for Catalonia. We engineers want to play a leading role and that’s why we advise and train".

The president of Pimec, Antonio Cañete, also spoke, stressing that we are witnessing a major change, much greater than we are capable of understanding and than he can explain. "There’s one thing that hasn’t had a direct impact on us until now: the planet. Here in Catalonia, the problem we have is that we’ve gone from 28% of GDP in the industrial sphere to 20% because we haven’t taken advantage of the changes, but we have to know how to read those changes to make them opportunities. The 20th century had gold as a safe harbour, now it will be decarbonisation. We need to transition to be competitive".

And Virginia Guinda, vice-president of Foment, stressed that dialogue is essential to make this possible. "At Foment we propose measures that encourage a merger with companies that allow them to grow in size and make it a possible investment. We must set the business of the region in a way that respects the environment and makes us competitive".

Energy transition opportunity for Catalonia

The Q-Zero Partnership is conceived as a shared space open to all actors where all entities come together, discuss the current situation, share their achievements, identify bottlenecks and develop proposals and activities to accelerate the decarbonisation of heat in different sectors, maintaining competitiveness and taking advantage of and contributing to realising the opportunities of the energy transition.

Decarbonisation in industry, especially of thermal demand, is an industrial revolution and a unique opportunity in economic terms and in terms of quality jobs for Spain and for Catalonia in particular, as it is the way to lead the economy of the future.

The Clean Industrial Deal to be presented by the European Union is the answer to these questions, the aim of which is to increase the competitiveness of the European economy by deepening the decarbonisation of industry through electrification, as this is the fastest and most efficient way to do so. Electrification of heat is necessary to protect the environment, but also to increase energy independence and reduce fossil fuel imports.