
Promoted by Iberdrola España, the Q-Zero Alliance is presented in the Basque Country to publicize the opportunities of decarbonisation for the Basque economy

  • It was during the fifth meeting of the Basque Industry Decarbonization Forum, which focused on the new Clean Industrial Deal, the European Commission's legislative initiative aimed at strengthening the competitiveness of industry and accelerating its transition to climate neutrality.

  • In addition to Iberdrola España, the industrial clusters of the DCARTECH Alliance participated in the meeting: Aclima, AFV, Energy Cluster, Paper Cluster, Siderex, ACICAE and HEGAN; with the collaboration of the Basque Government, through SPRI.

Alianza-Q Cero

The Q-Zero Alliance, promoted by Iberdrola España, was presented today in Bilbao to publicize the opportunities generated by decarbonization for the Basque economy. It has been during the fifth meeting of the Basque Industry Decarbonization Forum that has focused on the new Clean Industrial Deal, the legislative initiative of the European Commission aimed at strengthening the competitiveness of industry and accelerate its transition to climate neutrality. Throughout various presentations and round tables, the implications and opportunities that this new European strategy will offer to the Basque industry to face its decarbonization challenges have been analyzed.

The Basque Industry Decarbonization Forum held its fifth meeting today at the BEC - Bilbao Exhibition Center since it was formed in 2023. The industrial clusters of the DCARTECH Alliance: Aclima, AFV, Energy Cluster, Paper Cluster, Siderex, ACICAE and HEGAN; with the collaboration of the Basque Government, through SPRI, as coordinator of the Net Zero Basque Industrial Super Cluster initiative, participated in this event.

With more than 140 registered participants from 90 organizations, this Forum has established itself as a meeting place between the demand and supply of technological solutions for decarbonization.

As the Minister of Industry, Energy Transition and Sustainability of the Basque Government, Mikel Jauregi, highlighted in his closing speech, “decarbonization is a challenge for Basque industry, but also an opportunity. In the last 35 years we have done a very important job, with a 45% reduction in industrial emissions since 1990. We are self-demanding and we still have work to do; as a country we have a clear horizon: to achieve “net-zero” by 2050. Europe's commitment to the Clean Industry Deal is also Euskadi's commitment, and the new Industrial Plan we are developing is along these lines. The Basque contribution to this process is to advance towards an intelligent decarbonization with industry and hand in hand with industry. To this end, it is essential to do so in an orderly, balanced way, favoring competitiveness and clean manufacturing carried out in the EU. We have the technology and innovative capacity to achieve this”.

Fifth meeting of the Decarbonization Forum

The event was opened by Jose Ignacio Hormaeche, Director General of the Energy Cluster, and Irantzu Allende, Deputy Minister of Energy Transition of the Basque Government, highlighting the collaboration and alliances between agents for the decarbonization of Basque industrial activity.

Afterwards, Cristina Oyón, deputy general manager of the SPRI Group, explained to those present the status of the Net-Zero Basque Industrial Super Cluster, presenting the latest advances worked on within the framework of the initiative.  

For his part, Jose Luis Elejalde, director of energy, climate and urban transition of Tecnalia, presented the Q-Zero Alliance, driven by Iberdrola España together with itdUPM and Tecnalia, aims to accelerate the decarbonization of thermal energy demand in industry and buildings, and already has more than 100 members. Q-Zero has been conceived as a common place for the different entities to discuss the current situation, show achievements, identify bottlenecks and draw up proposals to accelerate the decarbonization of heat in the different sectors, maintaining competitiveness and taking advantage of and contributing to materializing the opportunities of the energy transition.

Gonzalo Sáenz de Miera, Director of Climate Change and Alliances of Iberdrola España, also participated, highlighting the importance of electrification in this strategy marked by the Clean Industrial Deal as a key vector to have a competitive and affordable energy in Europe and improve energy autonomy.

Afterwards, Ursula Woodburn, director of Corporate Leaders Groups Europe, presented the main keys of the recently published Clean Industrial Deal, emphasizing the aspects that especially affect the industries and strategic lines prioritized in the Net-Zero Basque Industrial Super Cluster.

Marta Sánchez, partner and leader of the Energy Sector at Ernest&Young, presented the report “An effective and efficient Clean Industrial Deal for Europe”, which analyzes the measures to accelerate the decarbonization of European industry and strengthen its competitiveness.

Finally, a round table moderated by Jose Ignacio Hormaeche (Energy Cluster), Emilio Hidalgo (Sidenor), Patxi Rodríguez (Fagor Ederlan), Asier Ochoa de Eribe (Heidelberg Materials), Iñaki Sánchez (Papresa) and Jose de la Sen (Sener) discussed the impact of the Clean Industrial Deal on the Basque industry.

Net-Zero Basque Industrial Super Cluster

Net-Zero Basque Industrial Super Cluster aims to accelerate the transition to net emissions in the Basque Industry, promoting the decarbonization of energy consumption and energy efficiency in industry, while favoring the creation of market opportunities based on technological development and innovation. This initiative is promoted by the Basque Government through SPRI - Basque Business Development Agency.

Energy transition opportunity

The Q-Zero Alliance is conceived as a common place open to all agents where all entities join together, discuss the current situation, show the achievements, identify bottlenecks and develop proposals and activities to accelerate the decarbonization of heat in different sectors, maintaining competitiveness and taking advantage of and contributing to realize the opportunities of the energy transition.

Decarbonization in industry, especially of thermal demand, is an industrial revolution and a unique opportunity in economic terms and in terms of quality employment for Spain and in particular for the Basque Country, as it is the way to lead the economy of the future.

The Clean Industrial Deal to be presented by the European Union is the answer to these questions, whose objective is to increase the competitiveness of the European economy by deepening the decarbonization of the industrial sector through electrification, since it is the fastest and most efficient way to achieve it.

Electrification of heat is necessary to protect the environment, but also to increase energy autonomy and reduce fossil fuel imports.
