
Iberdrola España and Northgate awarded at Madrid Electric Vehicle Fair

  • La Asociación de Usuarios de Vehículos Eléctricos (AUVE) reconoce a las compañías por promover conjuntamente la movilidad eléctrica

De izquierda a derecha, Álvaro Sauras, vicepresidente de AUVE, Teresa Romo, directora de Desarrollo y Sostenibilidad de Northgate España y Jorge Muñoz Riesco, responsable de Smart Mobility en Iberdrola España.
From left to right, Álvaro Sauras, Vice President of AUVE, Teresa Romo, Director of Development and Sustainability at Northgate España and Jorge Muñoz Riesco, Head of Smart Mobility at Iberdrola España.

Iberdrola España and Northgate have received recognition from the Association of Electric Vehicle Users (AUVE) for their joint comprehensive electric mobility strategy during the second edition of the awards at the Madrid Electric Vehicle Fair (VEM 2023).

The AUVE awards, promoted by the Business Association for the Development and Promotion of Electric Mobility (AEDIVE) and Electric Mobility, seek to recognize excellence and commitment in the field of sustainable mobility. The assessment highlighted the global nature of the alliance between Iberdrola España and Northgate by taking into account different aspects. From the recharging infrastructure to facilitating access to electric vehicles, raising employee awareness, optimizing energy management and implementing decarbonization measures.

The agreement between the companies includes the installation by Iberdrola España of 140 charging points for electric vehicles at Northgate's 27 sites in Spain. In addition, the alliance includes that the network of charging points will be supplied with green energy through 10 self-consumption facilities with a combined power of 530kw, and external energy from renewable sources, both solutions also provided by the energy company.

Iberdrola España has the most extensive public recharging network in the country with 5,000 recharging points in operation and 3,000 more in different stages of processing. The company, with more than 37,000 public and private charging points, has been leading the transition towards sustainable mobility and the electrification of transport since 2016, as part of its commitment to sustainability and the environment, and as an effective way to combat climate change.

As a leading company in the flexible leasing sector, Northgate is boosting the electrification of its customers' vehicle fleets. The company's commercial proposal goes beyond the vehicle itself, and includes all related services, such as recharging infrastructures.
