Our volunteers guide the training of women in exclusion together with the Integra Foundation
- The programme aims at the social inclusion of 150 women through employment. To date, nine workshops have been held in different cities.
Iberdrola, together with Fundación Integra, has launched the third edition of 'Protagonists of their futureExternal link, opens in new window. ', a project that seeks to improve the employability of women
External link, opens in new window. in social exclusion. The entity involves employees in its training through corporate volunteering at the Foundation's School of Empowerment.
In a social context marked by economic and social uncertainty, women in social exclusion are one of the groups with the highest unemployment rates in our country.
This project aims to help 150 women who will go through different selection processes, training, coaching... to achieve the ultimate goal: their inclusion in the labour market. A comprehensive programme that seeks to recover and channel towards employment the skills of these women who, due to their situation, find it very difficult to find a job that allows them to recover their life and their self-esteem.
In this edition, which began in January of this year, 16 volunteers have already participated and have given nine socio-labour workshops in Madrid and Barcelona. In addition, in the coming months they will also do so in Mallorca, Valencia, Zaragoza and Seville.
Since its launch in 2021, the 'Protagonists of their future' project, now in its third edition, has managed to improve the employability of 301 women in social exclusion, of whom more than 60% have gained access to employment. These excellent results have been possible thanks to the involvement of 53 Iberdrola volunteers.
With this initiative, both institutions work together on the commitments of the 2030 Agenda, with a direct impact on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)External link, opens in new window. , with which Iberdrola's corporate volunteering programme has been aligned since 2015.
70% of the people who come to the Integra Foundation are women and thanks to companies such as Iberdrola, the Foundation has offered more than 11,300 jobs to women since 2001 who, thanks to their work, have been able to leave social exclusion behind.
Iberdrola is one of the companies adhered to the network of companies for a society free of Gender Violence of the Ministry of Equality, an agreement to which Fundación Integra has also subscribed since 2012.