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"headline": "Iberdrola España, premiada como una de las empresas españolas más innovadoras, según el Índice Español de Innovación de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid",
"description": "El Índice Español de Innovación es una puntuación que otorgan los consumidores españoles a las empresas, según el grado de innovación percibido de sus productos y servicios.",
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Iberdrola España, named one of the most innovative Spanish companies by the Spanish Innovation Index at the Carlos III University of Madrid
- The Spanish Innovation Index is a score given by Spanish consumers to companies according to the perceived degree of innovation in their products and services
- 127 brands in the Spanish market in 21 sectors were analysed throughout 2024

Iberdrola España has been named one of the most innovative companies in the country, winning in power suppliers. This prize was awarded by the Carlos III University of Madrid (UC3M), with the collaboration of Neovantas, in the 3rd Spanish Innovation Index (ÍEI), which names the most innovative brands in the Spanish market in 2024 according to consumers.
The event, held at UC3M's Madrid-Puerta de Toledo campus, was attended by Cristina Castejón, the university's Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Research and Transfer, Antonio Descalzo, Dean of the UC3M Department of Social Sciences and Law, Mercedes Estaban, Director of the Department of Business Economics, and José Luis Cortina, President of Neovantas, among other authorities.
The Spanish Innovation Index (ÍEI) is a score given by Spanish consumers to companies according to the perceived degree of innovation in their products and services, which analyses three aspects: commercial innovation, the level at which consumers assess the overall innovation of the company's products/services; digital innovation, which measures how consumers perceive the company to be innovative in its digital solutions; and social innovation, which reflects the company's perceived contribution to society and the environment through innovation.
"The ÍEI is unique because it measures innovation from the consumers' point of view, which differentiates it from other indices that consider the perspective of entrepreneurs, expert opinions, innovation investment volume or macroeconomic indicators," explained Lluis Santamaría, director of the university's Institute for the Development of Enterprises and Markets (INDEM), in his presentation.