View all the details of your orders, invoices and payments

This is where we want our suppliers to have access to the apps and user manuals where they can look up all the necessary information about orders, invoices and payments, as well as other relevant information.


The new tool for orders, invoices and payments

If you’re already a supplier and have a contractual relationship with Iberdrola España, you have the MInfo Web Portal already. There you can check the status of your operations with the company (orders, invoices, payments, etc.), as well as find out and update your basic information at any time. 


All information provided is confidential and all technical precautions have been taken to ensure the confidentiality and accuracy of all information consulted.

MInfo registration

To access the Portal, you’ll have received an invitation email after registering your information in Iberdrola España's systems. From there or by using the following link, you can register in MInfo with the following information:


  • The supplier code given to you by your Iberdrola España manager
  • The email address of the contact person provided in the registration form

If you have any questions regarding the MInfo registration process, please refer to the following manual

Access to the MInfo app

Once registered, you’ll be able to access the MInfo application through the following link.

In MInfo you will be able to:

Fill in your registration information and bank details

To complete the registration as a supplier, open the MInfo platform and then the Basic Information section:


  • You’ll see all your details as Iberdrola España has them registered in its systems, including your general information (name, address, telephone number, etc.), bank details and, if applicable, the status of your certificates (contractors, residence, tax authorities, etc.) and alternative payment recipients.
  • You can also request to modify and/or enter your details (such as the bank account to receive payments) to keep them up to date in our systems.

Quick guide to show you how to make those requests 

Give more users in your company access to the application

Access to the application is centralised through a single administrator user who will be in charge of registering the rest of the viewer users.


Since there may be several people within your organisation accessing the application to consult different information, you need to create an Administrator to manage the basic information and give access to the different viewers.


To understand the functionality of the administrator and the displays, as well as how they are processed in the system, please refer to the following manual before logging in.

Administrator's manual/views

View your orders, invoices and payments

  • Orders and framework contracts: you can track the status of your orders and framework contracts
  • Invoices and payments: you can check the status of your invoices and payments (both made and pending)
  • Lease contracts: you can check leases with Iberdrola España

In addition, MInfo includes:

Notice board

All the Notices and Tasks that the Iberdrola España wishes to inform you of will be displayed at all times.


You’ll be able to track the modification requests you have made through the Portal, as well as consult the details of contractors' certificates that have expired.

Need more help?

Contact us

If, after reading the application and the user manuals, you still have any questions, feel free to contact our Supplier Service Centre.

E-mail: cas.admon@iberdrola.es
Telephone: +34 91 784 2915
From 09:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. GMT+

All information between the company and its suppliers is confidential, and corresponds to the information contained in Iberdrola España's information system at the time of consultation.


Iberdrola España has taken all technical precautions to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of the information consulted.


Iberdrola España waives all liability for the consequences that may arise for reasons beyond its control from the misuse of the information or manipulation by third parties of the information contained herein.

Electronic invoicing

To further our goal of reducing our CO2 footprint, contribute to greater environmental protection and improve the efficiency and management of our processes, Iberdrola España invites its suppliers to join e-Invoicing as a means of issuing invoices.

Invoices take less time to prepare

Invoices take less time to prepare

Streamlined administrative process: no risk of misplaced documents or errors in the registration

Send your electronic invoicing to Iberdrola España through the e-FACTURA.net channel. If you’re interested in switching over, please contact the CAS (cas.admon@iberdrola.es) for information.

Other contents about suppliers in Iberdrola España
