CAVAR, the complex of wind farms Iberdrola Spain's wind farm complex as a key player in promoting green energy in Navarre

A decade ago, Spain became the first country in the world to generate electricity with wind energy as the main source for an entire year. The region of Navarre played a crucial role in achieving this, thanks to its extensive land for the installation of wind turbines.


No. of wind power plants
Total installed capacity
111 MW

Thus, Navarre is considered a European leader in renewable energies, with one of the highest shares of wind power capacity in Spain. In 2021, renewable energies accounted for almost half of the electricity generated in the region. almost half of the electricity generated in the region. The region's technological and industrial investment in favour of renewable energies has positioned this renewable energies has positioned this sector as the third most important in the region, behind the automotive and agri-food sectors.


Iberdrola España operates in Navarre with CAVAR, the company's largest onshore wind complex since 2012 and the only one operating in the region. In addition, the Group Iberdrola, of which Iberdrola España forms part, and FCC Ámbito joined forces to launch the company EnergyLoop, which aims to lead the recycling market of renewable facility components, one of the biggest medium- and long-term challenges in the sector. This initiative will also contribute to the energy transition and boost the circular economy in the region and in Spain.

CAVAR wind farm complex

CAVAR, Iberdrola España's flagship wind power complex in Navarre, is also the company's largest wind power facility in the country since 2012. Inaugurated in June 2020, its 111 MW of installed capacity generates enough electricity to supply 46,500 homes per year, equivalent to 25% of the population of Pamplona, and avoids the emission of 84,000 tonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere annually.


This complex consists of four wind farms located in Cadreita and Valtierra. They are equipped with a total of 32 wind turbines, each with a capacity of 3.4 MW . These turbines, with blades 64.5 metres long and a rotor diameter of 132 metres, are ideal for areas with medium and high winds.


The construction of CAVAR generated up to 200 jobs and contributed more than €80 million to local and regional suppliers. All construction processes, including the creation of the wind turbines, took place in different regions of Spain, such as Navarra, Asturias, Cantabria, Soria and Burgos.


To preserve the biodiversity of the area, bird monitoring measures are implemented, including detailed observation of adult Egyptian vultures in the vicinity and during their migrations.


In addition, the European Investment Bank (EIB) supported this project through a Green Loan, a form of financing fully aligned with the criteria of the Climate Responsible Bond programme. In addition, Iberdrola España signed a long-term power purchase agreement (PPA) with Nike to supply 40 MW of clean energy to the brand's facilities in Europe.

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