The Board of Directors of Iberdrola España, in charge of the company's strategy

The Board of Directors is conferred with the broadest powers to manage and represent the Company and focuses its activity on coordinating and overseeing the dissemination, implementation and monitoring of the policies, strategies and general guidelines of the Group in the parent companies of the energy businesses in Spain and in the other companies partly owned directly or indirectly by the Company. It considers those matters of particular significance for the Company and ensures compliance with the regulations on the separation of regulated activities in Spain, as set out in article 18 of its By-Laws [PDF].

Torre Iberdrola

Moreover, it entrusts the Company's ordinary management to the executive directors and senior managers, who disseminate, implement and oversee the effective application of the policies, strategies and guidelines established by the Board of Directors by the partly-owned subsidiaries in accordance with the Corporate Governance System.


In addition, it has set up an Audit and Compliance Committee, with at least one of the directors being classified as external and and meeting the conditions to perform the duties as member of such Commission pursuant to Article 20.3 of the Company's By-laws.

Composition of the Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is made up of:


Mr. Alberto Alonso Ureba



Mr. Mario Ruíz-Tagle



Ms. Emma Navarro Aguilera



Mr. Daniel Alcain López



Mr. Juan Pardo de Santayana Montes



Mr. Félix Sobrino Martínez


Secretary non-member 

Mrs. Irene Agúndez

Pictures by Rafael Sámano, Estanis Núñez and Sofía Royo.

Type of Directors

  • Proprietary (3)
  • Executive (1)
  • External (2)

Operation of the Board of Directors

Icon Icon Icon Icon Icon Icon

Type of Directors

Proprietary (3)

Executive (1)

External (2)

Consultative Committees of Board of Directors

Audit and Compliance Committee

Icon Icon

The professional and biographical profile of each director can be accessed from the above table. Its content is updated regularly.


The members of the Board of Directors are classified as proprietary and external in accordance with the definitions established in article 20 of the Company By-Laws [PDF].

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